Monday, July 25, 2011

My Weight Loss!!

I started a goal to lose weight last year, I wanted to lose 40lbs in 12 weeks, no gym, just all by myself!! My 2nd goal was to be able to run a Full Marathon at my year mark!! I have to say I didn't think I could do it but I did.........I had a ton of support from my family and friends!!

Starting weight: 182lbs
12 weeks: I had almost made my goal, I lost 39lbs!! Just by giving up my favorite drink..."Soda",
running 6 days a week and eating healthy!!
Ran My first Marathon: Goal was to run it 4 hours!! Barely made it!
Got to train with Tim, he did amazing too!!

My Support
The Damage
End of Weight Loss Picture:
1 year later!!
Weight 125lbs!!
Total Weight Loss: 57lbs
Now to Maintain it................


Lyssa Beth said...

That is just amazing how you did that. you have such determination! You look amazing and you should be so proud! And what a great example you are to your two adorable kids :)
Are you going to keep up with your blog now? ;)

Larson's said...

I'm gonna try to keep up on it Lyssa!!

The Risdons said...

Update the blog! I miss you:-)

The Potter Family said...

What's your email so I can add you to my blog readers list? I got totally freaked out after I saw a website that had somehow visited the blog.